Wednesday 11 July 2012

His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman

TCA rating: 95/100

His Dark Materials starts with 'Northern Lights'. You may know it in film form as 'The Golden Compass'. For those of you who have watched this movie you have no idea how much better the book is! The story starts in another world that is very similar in many ways to ours. We meet the main protagonist Lyra and her Daemon Pantalimon enjoying the freedom of childhood on the scholarly streets of Oxford. We soon learn that Lyra is orphaned and lives at one of the grand Oxford colleges, Jordan College, but very quickly after a visit from the mysterious Lord Asriel, Lyra's world takes a dramatic twist and danger is never far from the young girl.

The second book in the trilogy, 'The Subtle Knife', finds Lyra meeting a strange boy in a world that seems to have no adults. They form a powerful friendship and are inseparable from the moment they meet. This book will make you question everything you thought you knew about the universe. Despite being the lynch pin of the trilogy at no point does this book feel like the glue holding everything together as the relationships that build throughout make the characters come to life an suck you into the worlds Pullman has created..

The final instalment, 'The Amber Spyglass', explodes to life in the first few pages as the characters face: a journey to the land of the dead; the greatest war in all the worlds' history and a decision that will break your heart. Go get this trilogy. Your life will be a better place for it.

Here is an interview with the author; discussing the transition his books will make from page to screen.

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